Gammu internals  1.38.0
Todo List
Class _INI_Entry
This should be probably private.
Class _INI_Section
This should be probably private.
Global ATGEN_DecodeDateTime (GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_DateTime *dt, unsigned char *_input)
Too many static buffers are used here.
Global GSM_DecodeVCAL_RRULE (GSM_Debug_Info *di, const char *Buffer, GSM_CalendarEntry *Calendar, int TimePos)
Negative week of month and day of month are not supported.
Global GSM_EncodeVCALENDAR (char *Buffer, const size_t buff_len, size_t *Length, GSM_CalendarEntry *note, const gboolean header, const GSM_VCalendarVersion Version)
this looks wrong!
Global GSM_WAPSettings::Password [(50+1) *2]
Is length okay?
Global GSM_WAPSettings::User [(50+1) *2]
Is length okay?
Global ReadVCALDateTime (const char *Buffer, GSM_DateTime *dt)
Handle properly timezone information
Global ReadVCALText (char *Buffer, const char *Start, unsigned char *Value, const gboolean UTF8, GSM_EntryLocation *location)
We should try to detect utf-8 and automatically use it.